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only happens in dreams...


i hooked up with hayden from school [he's two years younger than me and one of my close friend's ex-bf] i think i was in love with him.. i had this weird, unexplainable, intense feeling for him. i know we had a connection, yet at the same time i was really unsure and insecure about how he felt about me. we were on a bed just kissing, when i said to him before we took it further, "wait, don't you have a girlfriend? maddison?" he just laughed at me but eventually replied "no." i smiled and said "okay then" and made love. afterwards he told me that he couldn't see anything happen between us. i wasn't upset coz i realised i was used, but more for the reason that the whole thing was a lie.. and that intense feeling that i thought could only be a mutual thing was all in my head.
i walked through dirty old hurstville where the people i knew were everywhere, but just part of the background. i recognised hayden but to me he was just as faded as the rest of them.

posted by: bunnyfarm on 2008-10-25 @ 9:55 a.m.
before & after