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only happens in dreams...


i was in class, maths i believe, although my ancient history teacher was taking the lesson. i was just mucking around while everyone else did their work [can't remember who i was sitting next to.. dona maybe?], anyway the teacher wasn't impressed, so i reluctantly walked over to her desk to pick up the few worksheets, along with a bundle of coloured pencils and brought them back to my seat. i felt very distracted and couldn't concentrate at all so i went back to mucking around. a couple of boys, nathan rossini and mathew hingston [who are actually from my primary school] came over to my desk and we were talking for a bit, and nathan decided to draw a picture of me, as a joke. i was quite pleased with the end result actually but he made me look fatter than i would have liked. i laughed and said i would draw him in return. i was surprised how easy it was to draw, and it was looking pretty good but i never got to finish it because the bell rang.


i found myself in the teacher's staffroom [which looked exquisite, beautiful antique furniture, everything very royal and expensive looking] it might be notable that the couches were the same as some old antique ones my parents had in the old house. anyway i was making a coffee when i noticed my old next door neighbour [jessica] sitting down, who i despise. i purposely didnt look her way but i could see her looking at me in the corner of my eyes

posted by: bunnyfarm on 2008-09-14 @ 10:12 a.m.
before & after